Thank you for tuning in again.  I am currently thinking of how to get the character to run.
Obviously, we are going to need another key that will be held down for running.  How about the Shift key?

Now, for the shift key, we need to edit the KeyDown and KeyUp subroutines to support the Shift key.
But, before we do that, we need to make a variable that indicates if Shift is down.

		bool goleft, goright, gofast;
		// Indicates if the left or right buttons are pressed.
gofast - is true when the Shift key is pressed. I just felt like naming it gofast, since that's actually what it does (will do) in the program. As for the keydown event, we simply set and unset the value of gofast as we did for goleft and goright. KeyDown
			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) 
				goleft = true;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) 
				goright = true;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) 
				gofast = true;
			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) 
				goleft = false;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) 
				goright = false;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) 
				gofast = false;
OK, now, we actually have to make gofast make the character gofast. I need to find where I am moving and alter that code a bit to allow the character to move faster. The code itself is in the Timer event handler (but not for long).
				playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed, 0);
				// Move player left.
That line of code moves the character left. To support the new gofast, we need to check gofast with an If statement. If gofast is pressed, he moves twice as fast... otherwise, he moves according to the line above.
				if (gofast) 
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed << 1, 0);
					// When shift is pressed, the player runs.
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed, 0);
				// Move player left.
Same for the GoRight block.
				if (gofast) 
					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed << 1, 0);
					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed, 0);
					// Move player right.
Now, the character should move a little faster. It would probably be more realistic with a 1.5.
Before I go into jumping, I need to do a little housekeeping. At this point, I have approximately 200 lines, and all of it is within event handlers. It is good practice to break up code into lots of subroutines (at least, it helps me). So, let's start with the biggest subroutine at the moment... which is the Clock_Tick subroutine. Let's extract the movement code and the drawing code into their own subroutines. Find the following code in the clock tick event and move it into a sub called CharacterMovement (or whatever).
		private void charactermovement() 
			if (goleft) 
				if (gofast) 
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed << 1, 0);
					// When shift is pressed, the player runs.
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed, 0);
					// Move player left.
				if (playerloc.Left < 0) 
					// If the player goes off the edge of the form, then we will move him back to the edge.
					playerloc.Offset(-playerloc.Left, 0);
				updateartwork = true;
				chardirec = 0;  // Look left.
				// Now update the animation cycler.
				animcycler = (animcycler + 1) % thewalkingframecount;
			else if (goright) 
				if (gofast) 
					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed << 1, 0);
					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed, 0);
					// Move player right.
				if (playerloc.Right > themapwidth) 
					// If player goes off right edge... move him back.
					playerloc.Offset(themapwidth - playerloc.Right, 0);
				updateartwork = true; 
				chardirec = 1;  // Look right.
				// Now update the animation cycler.
				animcycler = (animcycler + 1) % thewalkingframecount;
And find the artwork code that goes into the new Artwork (etc) subroutine: (Which is just the remainder of the code in the clock_tick event handler)
		private void artwork() 

			if (updateartwork) 
				/* I am going to draw a lightblue rectangle for the sky.
				It will go down until it reaches the land, so therefore the bottom of the rectangle has to be
				the LANDHEIGHT. */
				gfx.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightSkyBlue, Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, 0, themapwidth, thelandheight));
				// And the remainder of the area is theland, starting from thelandheight.
				gfx.FillRectangle(Brushes.ForestGreen, Rectangle.FromLTRB(0, thelandheight, themapwidth, themapheight));
				// I use LTRB instead of new so that I don't have to calculate the height
				// These two will make the 'background' for the form.
				gfx.DrawImage(playerbmp, playerloc.X, playerloc.Y , new Rectangle(thecharwidth * chardirec * thewalkingframecount + animcycler * thecharwidth, 0, thecharwidth, thecharheight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
				// This draws the character to the display based on the current location.
				updateartwork = false;
				// set it back to false.
Don't forget to call these subs from the Clock Tick.
		private void clock_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
So, now it should do the same thing as it did before. Also, if you get a chance, change that multiply by 2 to a multiply by 1.5. It looks realer, although it does make you move at a lower mean speed in the end:
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed - (themovespeed >> 1), 0);
					// When shift is pressed, the player runs.

					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed + (themovespeed >> 1), 0);
					// When Shift is pressed, the player runs.
Equivalent to this:
					playerloc.Offset(-themovespeed - (themovespeed / 2), 0);
					// When shift is pressed, the player runs.

					playerloc.Offset(themovespeed + (themovespeed / 2), 0);
					// When Shift is pressed, the player runs.
And there's more realistic movement.
Now, for jumping, there's a lot that needs to be done. Of course, we need to assign a key (how's the Space bar?) for jumping. I am going to choose to make a fixed jump with Spacebar. By fixed-jump, I mean the jump is going to be the same regardless of how long the space bar is held. I'll probably add another key combination for a smaller jump. But for now, we'll just have the spacebar for a regular jump. Now, with the space bar as the key, we'll need to declare a Boolean for it. But, this one will behave a little differently than the other keys. When the spacebar is pressed, we are just going to start a jump. We don't set our boolean to false in the KeyUp event because this Boolean is going to denote if we are jumping. Let's go ahead and declare our Jumping Boolean
		bool isjumping;
		// While this is true, the character will be jumping in the air.
isjumping - set to true when the space bar is pressed. Set to False when the character lands on ground. Now, when the jump begins, we have to store the character's vertical velocity. Since the jump is going to have a fixed initial velocity, we can declare a constant for it. We also need to declare a constant for gravity.
		int playerveloc;
		/* This is the velocity of the player in the Y direction.
		 * Positive values point down.
		 * To jump up, playerveloc must be initialized to a negative value. */

		const int thesbarinitialvelocity = -16;
		// The initial velocity for the player's jump using space bar.
		const int thegravity = 1;
		// Gravitational acceleration constant... how much the speed changes at each tick.
playerveloc - the velocity of the player for the jump. (Reaches 0 at the top of the jump) thesbarinitialvelocity - initial velocity of the jump when the user presses the spacebar. Remember that there might be other key combinations for other jumps. thegravity - gravitational acceleration... decreases the velocity, which eventally causes the player to move downward toward the ground. Remember that the Jumping variable needs to be set to false when the player touches ground. It's positive because gravity points in the down direction (which is positive). Well, thesbarinitialvelocity is quite a long constant name... fortunately, I can use Intellisense to get thesbarinitialvelocity for me. Now, we have all of the variables and constants. Let's put them into action. First stop, the KeyDown event is where we receive notice that the spacebar is pressed. Not only do I need to set isjumping to true, I need to initialize the velocity. The code in the KeyDown event now looks like this:
			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) 
				goleft = true;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) 
				goright = true;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.ShiftKey) 
				gofast = true;
			else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space) 
				isjumping = true;
				// The jump is initialized.
				playerveloc = PFMain.thesbarinitialvelocity;
				// Use space bar initial velocity.
The rest of the code goes into the timer, since that is what all movement relies on (the timer)... specifically, the charactermovement sub that we just created. Now, this sub currently has stuff that executes when the Left and Right buttons are pressed for walking. We can use most of it even while jumping. We aren't necessarily using the animcycler, and since that's the only thing that we don't need, we'll just keep everything there unchanged. For the animcycler, we'll just need to make an If statement for isjumping... when we are walking, we will use the walking frames, and while jumping, we will use the Jumping frames (the two at the end). However, we do have to add something that makes the player move vertically if the player is jumping, which, of course, goes into an If isjumping Then block. Inside this block, we apply two decent physics formulae: dD = Vo * dT + 0.5 * A * (dT)^2 ; dV = A * T. Except, I am going to approximate T to be 1. (dD is the change of distance, dT is the change of time, and dV is the change of velocity.) dD = Vo + 0.5 * A ; dV = A For the * 0.5, we can just do a left shift... but since A is 1, this might not be too effective. Still, I have the gravity as a constant. At a later time in programming, I/you might want to change the Gravity, and this will allow me/you to just change the constant value with no worry. (Note that dD relies on the initial velocity (Vo), so the dD term should come first) Now, the If IsJumping Then block looks like this.
			if (isjumping) 
				playerloc.Offset(0, playerveloc + thegravity >> 1);
				// dD (.Offset) = Vo (playerveloc) + 0.5 * A (thegravity >> 1)
				playerveloc += thegravity;
				// dV = (playerveloc +=) A (thegravity)
				// Moves the character according to its velocity, gravity, and location.
				updateartwork = true;
				// Need to update everytime during a jump.
And that should appear at the bottom of the CharacterMovement sub. Now, we're not finished yet. We still need to check if the player has touched ground. The isjumping block now becomes something like:
			if (isjumping) 
				playerloc.Offset(0, playerveloc + thegravity >> 1);
				// dD (.Offset) = Vo (playerveloc) + 0.5 * A (thegravity >> 1)
				playerveloc += thegravity;
				// dV = (playerveloc +=) A (thegravity)
				// Moves the character according to its velocity, gravity, and location.
				updateartwork = true;
				// Need to update everytime during a jump.
				if (playerloc.Bottom >= PFMain.thelandheight) 
					// check if we are touching ground (another rect advantage).
					isjumping = false;
					// Stop jumping... we've hit the ground.
					animcycler = 0;
					// Reset animation cycler that was counting during the jump.
Notice that we check the bottom of the player rectangle to see if it is touching the ground. If so, then the jump is disabled. The animcycler = 0 is there for housekeeping, since it was still possibly executed in the GoRight and GoLeft blocks above. Now that that is done, we need to fix the frame drawing rectangle, which is quite simple. So:
				gfx.DrawImage(playerbmp, playerloc.X, playerloc.Y , new Rectangle(thecharwidth * chardirec * thewalkingframecount + animcycler * thecharwidth, 0, thecharwidth, thecharheight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
				// This draws the character to the display based on the current location.
				if (isjumping) 
					gfx.DrawImage(playerbmp, playerloc.X, playerloc.Y, new Rectangle((thecharwidth * thewalkingframecount << 1) + chardirec * thecharwidth, 0, thecharwidth, thecharheight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
					// Jumping draw only.
					gfx.DrawImage(playerbmp, playerloc.X, playerloc.Y , new Rectangle(thecharwidth * chardirec * thewalkingframecount + animcycler * thecharwidth, 0, thecharwidth, thecharheight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
					// This draws the character to the display based on the current location.
The original .DrawImage has moved into the else part of this if block (which is in the artwork sub). The only change to the top call was in the left parameter of the new rectangle (constructor) sub.
new Rectangle((thecharwidth * thewalkingframecount << 1) + chardirec * thecharwidth, 0, thecharwidth, thecharheight)
The first part, (thecharwidth * thewalkingframecount << 1), is skipping over the 8 frames at the start of the bitmap. Thecharwidth is the frame width, and thewalkingframecount is the number of frames in each walking cycle. As you can see, it is multiplied by 2 (shifted left by 1). This will return the first jumping frame (the one where the picture is looking left). Which is fine if the character is looking left, but if he is looking right, you see the extra chardirec * thecharwidth term. When the character is looking left, chardirec is 0, so this term does not contribute to the result. But, when the character is looking right, chardirec is 1, and this causes an extra thecharwidth to be added to the left parameter of the rectangle constructor, moving it to the right facing jump frame. Now, if you run the project, the character should jump when the space bar is pressed. Hmm... it's quite a long jump. The hangtime of the jump can be calculated by dT = 2 * | InitialVelocity | * Clock.Interval / Gravity (that's something for us, not the computer)... and the jump height can be calculated from dD = (1.5 * InitialVelocity * InitialVelocity) / Gravity you can use this to tweak the jump a bit. If you want a long hangtime, you can either make the initialvelocity or the interval larger. Additionally, decreasing the gravity makes the hang time larger as well. Play around with thesbarinitialvelocity and thegravity constants until you find something that looks good. (Although, when I discuss platforms, I will be using the 16 initialvelocity and 1 gravity.) Good luck! Next time, I think I'm going to go ahead and get those other jump key combinations out of the way.