Now, let's get back to those meshes. Odds are that you aren't only going to have one mesh in the world. You're going to have lots of them. And, you'll need some way to keep track of them. Fortunately, if you make a class containing your meshes, you can keep track of them in a nice, object-oriented approach.
Public Class MeshPlus
    Implements IDisposable

    Const Pi As Single = 3.1415926535897931
    Const PiHalf As Single = Pi / 2

    Public MasterMesh As Mesh
    Public MMMtrls() As Material
    Public MMTxtrs() As Texture
    Public ReadOnly SubsetsEx As Integer  'Number of subsets - 1.
    Public RSTMatrix As Matrix  'Rotation, scale, and translate matrix.

    Public Sub New(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Options As MeshFlags, ByVal D As Device)
        Dim Ems() As ExtendedMaterial, LV As Integer
        'Merely holds a material and a filename for a texture.

        'MasterMesh = Mesh.FromFile(Application.StartupPath & "\mball.x", MeshFlags.SoftwareProcessing, D9)

        'You can use the one above if you have a material and texture that you will be supplying to the mesh.

        'However, the material and texture can be included within the .x file.

        MasterMesh = Mesh.FromFile(Filename, Options, D, Ems)
        'Loads the mesh from file.  .x data goes into the Extended Material array.

        'The number of entries corresponds to the number of materials and textures.

        SubsetsEx = Ems.GetUpperBound(0)
        MMMtrls = New Material(SubsetsEx) {}
        MMTxtrs = New Texture(SubsetsEx) {}

        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            MMMtrls(LV) = Ems(LV).Material3D
            'Set the material.  3D means DX3D.

            MMMtrls(LV).Ambient = MMMtrls(LV).Diffuse
            'Ambient property is lost within the loader or in the .x file.
            'But anyway, this property must be set in VB.

            'Not every mesh will have a texture, so meshes without textures will have Texture = Nothing
            If Not (Ems(LV).TextureFilename Is Nothing) Then
                MMTxtrs(LV) = TextureLoader.FromFile(D, Ems(LV).TextureFilename)
            End If

        'All of this information will be used when drawing the mesh.
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Options As MeshFlags, ByVal D As Device, ByVal Mx As Matrix)
        Dim Ems() As ExtendedMaterial, LV As Integer
        MasterMesh = Mesh.FromFile(Filename, Options, D, Ems)

        SubsetsEx = Ems.GetUpperBound(0)
        MMMtrls = New Material(SubsetsEx) {}
        MMTxtrs = New Texture(SubsetsEx) {}

        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            MMMtrls(LV) = Ems(LV).Material3D

            MMMtrls(LV).Ambient = MMMtrls(LV).Diffuse

            If Not (Ems(LV).TextureFilename Is Nothing) Then
                MMTxtrs(LV) = TextureLoader.FromFile(D, Ems(LV).TextureFilename)
            End If

        Me.RSTMatrix = Mx
        'Viewpoint matrix.
        'All of this information will be used when drawing the mesh.
    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Options As MeshFlags, ByVal D As Device, ByVal RotateYZ As Single, ByVal RotateXY As Single, ByVal SX As Single, ByVal SY As Single, ByVal SZ As Single, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Z As Single)
        Dim Ems() As ExtendedMaterial, LV As Integer

        MasterMesh = Mesh.FromFile(Filename, Options, D, Ems)

        SubsetsEx = Ems.GetUpperBound(0)
        MMMtrls = New Material(SubsetsEx) {}
        MMTxtrs = New Texture(SubsetsEx) {}

        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            MMMtrls(LV) = Ems(LV).Material3D

            MMMtrls(LV).Ambient = MMMtrls(LV).Diffuse

            If Not (Ems(LV).TextureFilename Is Nothing) Then
                MMTxtrs(LV) = TextureLoader.FromFile(D, Ems(LV).TextureFilename)
            End If

        'First, we apply the rotations:
        RSTMatrix = Matrix.RotationX(RotateYZ)

        'Next, we do the scaling:
        RSTMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Scaling(SX, SY, SZ))

        'Then, we do the translation:
        RSTMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(X, Y, Z))

    End Sub
    Public Sub New(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Options As MeshFlags, ByVal D As Device, ByVal RotateYZ As Single, ByVal RotateXY As Single, ByVal S As Vector3, ByVal P As Vector3)
        Dim Ems() As ExtendedMaterial, LV As Integer

        MasterMesh = Mesh.FromFile(Filename, Options, D, Ems)

        SubsetsEx = Ems.GetUpperBound(0)
        MMMtrls = New Material(SubsetsEx) {}
        MMTxtrs = New Texture(SubsetsEx) {}

        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            MMMtrls(LV) = Ems(LV).Material3D

            MMMtrls(LV).Ambient = MMMtrls(LV).Diffuse

            If Not (Ems(LV).TextureFilename Is Nothing) Then
                MMTxtrs(LV) = TextureLoader.FromFile(D, Ems(LV).TextureFilename)
            End If

        'First, we apply the rotations:
        RSTMatrix = Matrix.RotationX(RotateYZ)

        'Next, we do the scaling:

        'Then, we do the translation:
    End Sub

    Public Sub DrawAllSubsets(ByVal D As Device)
        'Each subset must be drawn separately and is what we extracted data from.

        Dim LV As Integer
        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            D.Material = MMMtrls(LV)
            'Set the appropriate material for this subset.
            If MMTxtrs(LV) Is Nothing Then
                D.SetTexture(0, Nothing)
                'Clear unset texture.
                D.SetTexture(0, MMTxtrs(LV))
                'And the appropriate texture.
            End If

            'Then draw the mesh subset.

    End Sub
    Public Sub DrawAllSubsetsXF(ByVal D As Device)
        'Each subset must be drawn separately and is what we extracted data from.

        Dim LV As Integer
        D.Transform.World = RSTMatrix

        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
            D.Material = MMMtrls(LV)
            'Set the appropriate material for this subset.
            If MMTxtrs(LV) Is Nothing Then
                D.SetTexture(0, Nothing)
                'Clear unset texture.
                D.SetTexture(0, MMTxtrs(LV))
                'And the appropriate texture.
            End If

            'Then draw the mesh subset.

    End Sub

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose
        Dim LV As Integer
        For LV = 0 To SubsetsEx
    End Sub
End Class
And for a 'forest' of trees, we just make an array of meshes.
    Dim MM() As MeshPlus
Each element in the array will be filled with a tree mesh, giving us a forest.
        MM = New MeshPlus(11) {}
        For LV = 0 To MM.GetUpperBound(0)
            MM(LV) = New MeshPlus(Application.StartupPath & "\tree.x", MeshFlags.SoftwareProcessing, D9, PiHalf, Ri.Next(0, 3), 1.0F, 1.0F, Ri.Next(1, 9), Ri.Next(-6, 6), Ri.Next(-6, 6), 0.0F)
            'Create the mesh using our mesh creator class.

The array itself is drawn like this:
        For LV = 0 To MM.GetUpperBound(0)
        D9.Transform.World = Matrix.Identity

.vb file